Dr Fixit (4471 - 4480)



every seat as they interacted with the Net

browsing stuff from pornography to bet

while some were trying hard to scam

the gullible from the city to farm.

We walked along the aisle to a remote spot

where a seat was vacant and a nagging thought

I had that the system might be faulty

materialized as I booted it and it flatly

refused to turn on but I did peep and notice

the nearby system was manned by a novice


so I thought hard what next to do

so working on unobtrusively could be two

with one computer but I wouldn’t invoke magic

to evade the server; then unusually hectic

the cyber cafe became as an alarm

was raised by a boisterous young man

that his phone had been stolen from the spot

he charged it and when he left he forgot

to remove it. The fellows near the spot

became suspects so tempers were hot



as these guys claimed innocence and boiled over

at such an accusation and the manager

of the business was drawn out from his office

to intervene in the squabble. The novice

had abandoned his work and was staring

and listening hard and as addressing

the crowd was the manager; the dude,

as it seemed others on his view did intrude,

left his seat to join the crowd and be

a first-hand witness and so the opportunity



offered itself for me to commandeer

the computer and help engineer

my aide to its use and enormous benefits

while others battled with their lips and wits

to unravel who stole the smartphone.

I clicked the keys and entered the Net zone.

My friend actively watched my fingers

and what popped up on the monitor, answers

I rendered to his questions. On the browser

I typed my very first set of letters


and then searched. Appearing on the screen

was my preferred mail so I typed and deep in

my head, I looked for the chosen name

and password for my account and then,

clicked ‘DONE’ and we watched the window

morph and a “recaptcha” frame did show

for it had been long since I last logged in

and I was asked to tick within

the right box the image of a car

to prove I wasn’t a robot or they’d bar



me from accessing my mail

but I clicked the right boxes and didn’t fail

and the screen again did morph

and riddles once more I was asked to solve.

Two core questions I’d answered before

were again thrown at me and so a tour

I took through my mind to answer them.

The first was my mother’s mother’s maiden name.

The last was the favourite colour

I’d like to wear. Of course, my tailor



could comfortably predict the hue

of the materials I’d like him to sew

while grandma’s maiden name to a few

(mostly her age-mates, my mum, a nephew,

nieces and cousins; then her grandkids)

was known and to outsiders could’ve leaked.

Apart from me, all of the above were not

computer-savvy so I worried not

my head over anyone outsmarting me

to my email account. I clicked a key


or rather, the button of the computer mouse

to ignore a security message about

my adding my phone line where a code

would be sent if there were concerns of note.

I laughed hard there. These tech guys

thought all using their services in one universe

coexist but I’m glad human scientists

were already peddling the gist

the universe could be more than one.

The UFO prowls the other with a laser gun.



Seriously, if I was with Libby

I could add the line readily.

Though the human universe and

the soldier ants’ share air and sand

and do things similar like eat and fast,

the signals from the communication mast

used by humans remain inaccessible

to the lines used by us. In fact, fable

every human reading this would think

this tale is but just like the sink



in human home so too in our castles

and just like they pound the pestles

in their mortars to crush the corn

and ride from place to place with the wagon

and truck, so do we hence the plethora

of food in our storehouses taken from afar.

The universe is more than one and we live

in one and humans in the other with their grief

and fun. They see us and think we’re in the sand

mere nonentities  and we understand 


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