Dr Fixit (4351 - 4360)



A magnificent castle I contemplated

to build where some offices could be rented

out to individuals or firms desirous of them;

we’d use an angle as our scripting firm

to boost the new but thriving drama industry

which I foresaw might venture all and sundry

human antics to mimic as both race

to see who’d truly the core truth in life embrace

to stem the tide of all – humans, insects

and animals – plunging down as utter rejects.


True progress in any realm would build

not ruin; true knowledge freedom would wield

and sustain and ennoble all of creation;

in our race to conquer every broadleaf space, this notion

stands as the golden rule and my core ambition

is profundities would ripple through this long cerebration.

I settled in my mind in Sandit I’d site the firm,

my abode took me on a trek long-term.

Palm Belt had housed my father’s side for long

and inheritance here was based on father’s tongue.



So I finally decided I’d not go live

in Sandit but Palm Belt as I’d give and grieve,

rich or poor, with the main name

I’d bear whether I lost or won the game.

As I finally resolved this core issue,

I walked back and the pad did peruse;

then seeing where I dropped the yarn,

I picked the pen and dropped the things I scanned

on my mental horizon and only put this on hold

when my wife back from school crossed the threshold.



We ate and the night rocked with the rhythm

of love and in the dawn it did thin

or rather, morph into the joy and fun

of a comic day emceed by the clownish sun.

The hide-and-seek continued till in the theatre

we all gathered to watch ‘The Intrigue’ drama.

It was the last part and it was coming

with the recovery of the big script crawling in

days ago with the youthful squad we did raise

who did remarkably well and didn’t disgrace


the mission – for the five who did vamoose,

there was an option I might soon choose –

in fact, I wished to monitor them from this end

by latching and bugging their every friend.

I believed someone would send a fun note

or distress call from a new home remote

or near and I’d know how they were faring

and then, the real truth would be telling

and I’d certainly know if I’d go bring them back

and return them to their folks in every shack.



The preambles all went right on time.

When the lights dimmed, the emcee on a twine

was lowered on stage and he was costumed fine

like a tortoise and the scenery was of vine

creeping on trees with fruit one on could dine.

The microphone drifted with no visible line

and at it, the emcee said his words without wasting time.

‘Great folks, I won’t stand here long to whine

about the stars that right here long would shine

to light our minds and help us sift gems from grime.



‘All the actors say I give our cake and wine

to the big scribe for a familiar line

he last weekend did toe as he did entwine

himself to a spouse and flamboyantly sign

the dotted lines and it also pleases every mind

that soon after, the hills and mountains he climbed

and crossed the bogs, rivers and streams

as he with his crew have made real our dreams ...’

There was a rapturous ovation in the theatre

for they figured right what the emcee would utter.


When the sound quietened, he said: ‘It’s here.

I bet you, a soldier ant looms larger than a bear.’

The theatre thundered with great applause.

When silence returned, the emcee went further thus:

‘Before the drama unfolds, we’d have a live chat

right here with theatre boss; and also I’d add

happily, with the scribe and it’d be done

with them on my sides sharing this microphone.’

There were hoots of joy as the spotlight

beamed on us where we sat side by side.



We got up, walked to the aisle and got on stage

where we, two soldier ants, crowded the image

of the emcee like a tortoise and shook his hand,

then turned to wave to the audience who did stand

and clap for us. And when silence did return,

question after question at us he just spun.

‘Like everyone here, though we’ve heard, I mean

as rumour – true or false, which side do you lean?

My question, without prevaricating, to the scribe

I direct and the theatre boss later, right?’



‘Whichever way, we’d still answer without a bribe.

“Dr Fixit” is here and we’d see it under this stage light

not too far a date in the future as the theatre boss

has promised but more to you he’d put across.’

To what I said I got some resounding applause.

And when the noise in the theatre got a pause,

the emcee directed his attention to theatre boss:

‘Sir, in what we’ve heard, we put our entire trust

or is there anything contrary you want to air?’

‘“Dr Fixit” is here and more on it you’d hear


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