Dr Fixit (4321 - 4330)


We beamed and shook hands and I drew him in.

With the door wide open, the curtain fluttering

as it was tossed around by the breeze,

into opposite seats we sat and chatted with ease.

‘Doc, the whole town is agog with the great news

the movie script is brought back and on the pews

of the theatre soon folk would sit and watch it;

everywhere I’d been, on lips is the caption “Dr Fixit”.’

We grinned and shook our hands heartily again

but I couldn’t help but voice what I nursed as pain:


‘Have you ventured near the homes of the missing five?’

The feeling in me was like poking into a hive

your head and expecting to get many a sting

by the reply my friend at me would fling.

‘Well,’ Crookedmouthit said, gaily rubbing his palms.

‘To theatre boss, I’d first give loads of thanks.

He knocked on my door early and we went out

to visit their families and to clear every doubt

from their minds to what happened on the trip

that into vehicles going into human cities they did slip,



‘the five missing fellows I mean; and it was late

when we realized the uncanny fate

that caught up with the script-recovery mission

and blamed the chaps for their self-centred vision.

Theatre boss gave what was due each to the head

of every family and promised soon to set

a special task force to trace and bring back

every deserter but one family head a mouth quite slack

after taking the cash due his missing son

had said with unmistakable merriment and fun:



‘“Who dare seek to stop the five youths going abroad

is a great enemy of progress. Was it not

out there in the big cities Fixit Digit Fixit

garnered his confounding wisdom and make us nitwits

with his chats and plays? The five youths all desire

to be like or surpass him. In their chats and attire,

they constantly mimicked him and did aspire

openly and loudly when they gathered in this shelter

and I believe they did so in the others’ homes,

if given the chance they’d taste too the human zones


‘“and would return too one day to dazzle the clans.”’

I smiled wryly at hearing such a folk’s stance.

If a genuine conviction, my worry would be less.

When the cash thinned down and about the chaps’ fates

less was known, we’d decide if a proper chase

we should start to locate and from every place

they’d vamoosed to, bring them back to their folk.

‘That’s great to know,’ I nodded hard as I spoke

my warm and happy reply. I foresaw for long

for the theatre I’d string many a new line and song.



My wife returned and we truly welcomed my friend.

On the dining table to a sumptuous meal we did attend.

Then, we washed down the food with chilled palm juice

and from my wife’s lips we heard the latest news.

From Palm Belt to Sandit to Yellow Lake,

folks were glad the goodies on lips to roll and bake

and share to keen ears of the theatre fans

that soon to the theatre they’d guide their shanks –

some even swore, that at the end of the long-drawn play,

to the stage ‘Dr Fixit’ might just sway.



Time drew in Crookedmouthit and I had to cross

the heart of our town to meet theatre boss

so I could hear more from him on the missing chaps

(though Crookedmouthit told me everything) and perhaps,

I might need to personally visit their homes

and glean if there was more to the undertones

of their folks. I met theatre boss who laughed off

my worries. The rehearsals of ‘The Intrigue’ to watch,

our feet to the street we rushed and joined

the rat-drawn cart to the theatre point.


When we alighted and walked in, he said:

‘Now, I must address your concern. Your aide

and I had met and robustly talked to every family

of the missing chaps but for me the irony

was their parents and siblings gladly took

the bucks and all to the future seemed to look

that their wards too would be big as you

or even bigger and so your worries to my view

are really pointless but I know where you are

coming from, when the evening is far



‘as the rehearsals end, we’d go back

to these people to show well-being they didn’t lack;

only exuberance made them vamoose

and we’ve the wherewithal to tighten the noose

and bring them back. If yes they say,

I can raise a special squad, whatever the pay,

to match words with deeds but otherwise,

I’d say keep your peace and keep glued your eyes

to the pages as you write – this town is agog

you’re bulldozing the theatre like a warthog.’



When the rehearsals were over, I took

the formality of visiting every nook

called home of every missing lad with the boss

to re-enact the tale and response did emboss

what earlier I’d been told – long as they were safe

and knew what they were doing, they were thought brave

to venture further to explore the globe

and me, who didn’t accept their style, seemed like a dope.

I returned home late night with a lightened mind

and on fruits before going to bed we dined.


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