Dr Fixit (4361 - 4370)



‘as events around it unfold but for sure,

the script is here and production would allure

great cast from the youthful crew that brought it back

though a few, exactly five of them, went off track.

But we learnt, they’d long envied the scribe

and desired to go abroad and promote our tribe.

So we’d long wished them well and do hope

they’d not join humans and embrace dope

but would emulate great traits and ways

and while out there, truly have happy days



‘and someday, one by one would come back

and leave in their every field excellent mark.’

Everyone, including the emcee and I,

applauded the theatre boss’ fine reply.

After, the emcee said: ‘You’ve heard it all –

be prepared the play or film in this big hall

to watch and let’s pray nothing that would stall

and what we’d get would make us walk tall.

Yes, that tale not too long ago in a bar

you heard but vehemently asked from the czar,



‘the script to this stage in a couple of weeks

you’d watch and it’d be grand, so say the leaks.’

A train rolled in and with a blast of its horn

moved towards us and we moved aside; then along

it rolled and we jumped in but the emcee popped

his head out the window and rapidly dropped

his words to the audience: ‘The recovery crew

would march in next and to every one of you,

they’d form the core cast of the new-breed soldier ants

and are here to show how they’d snipe the plants


‘to get at every villain and rule with the czar

as their reign would remove every wound and scar.’

Click-clack on the stage, the train rolled off

but boots were pounding on all sides of the turf

as the youthful crew marched towards the centre.

When at the centre they congregated, the real drama

with their boots lifting and pounding left, right;

left, right actually began and an enthralling sight

it was as the commander shouted orders

and the crew responded in action and hollers.



‘Attention!’ The crew’s boots stamped to a halt.

‘Right about turn!’ They wheeled right without a fault.

‘Left about turn!’ They rolled their boots to the left side.

‘Arms forward!’ They shot their arms straight and tight

in front of them; then there was a burst of song

and the crew all sang and with agility stepped along.

‘Colour rags up!’ Some black jackets were zipped down,

turned inside out and again worn – we saw brown,

green, white and red like spots in a black sea

and they milled around in what in a way was clumsy;



then, ‘Bow!’ we heard and the crew bent down

and in the sea of black was this written down

in the four sets of new coloured rags

‘DR FIXIT IS HERE!’ That drew long claps

from the audience and here the curtain fell.

The stage revolved to usher in ‘The Intrigue’ tale

and heralding in this were models costumed as humans

who slunk across with large posters for all to glance

and words written were: ‘HERE COMES THE LAST PART

OF ‘THE INTRIGUE’ and when the glitter did depart


the stage with the models, the scene looked like night

with a star-studded sky and a bunch of mice

raced across a footpath hearing human steps

and noise approach a house and a toad leapt

in the beam of the light of a torch and more beams

crisscrossed the stage as they searched, it seemed,

the bushy sides of the footpath to see no harm

in any form hide to wait for any leg or arm.

Then, the humans congregated near a veranda;

gradually it became clear that every elder



had accompanied the Yardits home so relations

and neighbours, filled with trepidation,

were coming out to meet them – a hurricane lamp

was brought and put on a strategic stand

and all sorts of seats, stools and benches,

were given to elders to sit on and at the fringes

stood the others as they keenly listened or

whispered their fears and forced to the door

by the wife was Papa Yardit and with a voice

trembling, he spoke with a nervous poise:



‘It’s a sad night, my elders, to have you all

gather here instead at the village hall

and I want to be honest with every one of you

that I heard you though I veiled myself from view

when in the street you were addressing my wife

over what in our home is a real strife.

My daughter’s case has made me listen

to every tale and the truth still I can’t discern,

to be plain honest with myself and everyone here.

This one says this, another that; God there,


God here; God up, God down – God everywhere.

Help me, Preacherit. Which to the truth is near?’

Silence did reign long before Preacherit coughed

and said: ‘The path to the truth isn’t rough

once we understand there are two sides –

the physical and the spiritual – to human lives.

In the physical, humans are above insects

and animals; the angels in the spiritual like prefects

are to humans and a great point to note

is good and evil abound in both realms; and best mode


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