Dr Fixit (4311 - 4320)



‘to backward thinkers and enemies of progress;

we’ve got to show them, whoever wants to molest

in any way any of our troops or dares to hamper

our work, in the most sensitive parts we’d hammer

with our fangs till their senses are totally blank.

Truth is The Academy if it has in it any plank

would’ve been up in flames a moment ago

but our engineers in enigmatic show

had used quality minerals with fireproof properties

to erect the castle and so there weren’t anomalies



‘when the cantankerous elements struck

so we’re to take actions now so Mother Luck

we won’t need tomorrow at all to blame;

you’d go round every inch of the wood to tame;

in fact, send them running a thousand miles

from the grounds of The Academy and any wiles

shown by any fools, summarily arrest such

and we’d create a dungeon to take them in as much.

I say, drag them here even if they’re big as elephant

and in a secure place all of them we’d plant.


‘Anyone envious of a good thing should go try

their own, not come spoil our own. We’d rely

on our most aggressive strength to fight

the fools; we’d make them flee the day and fear the night.

Our conscience is clear for what they meet:

how could they roam free when they mined our street?

On this specific mission, we shouldn’t dare

to fail as youngsters are coming to share

in the knowledge and wisdom we’ve garnered

in our work; any stupid harm to any youngster



‘and you can imagine the downward slide

of morale throughout the clans; so whosoever hides

in our surroundings to cause harm you’d sack

and this would continue till the day the intake would pack

in their things to stay with us in the safety

of the dormitories. Is that clear?’ Boisterously,

the one million and one soldier ants

answer in the affirmative: ‘Yeah!’ The plants,

stems and leaves shake as the echo resounds

and I signal the commander to let pound



the boots of the new-breed soldier ants

drafted to go put sense into those who gallivant

and think on us they should poke their fun;

in their hideouts the troops them would stun.

I rush up the tower to gawk all around

and of course, if there’s danger up that I’d sound

swiftly to the commander and issue command

to other relevant units for back-up on land

and air – ah, there I envy the termites:

with wings our foes would meet real blight.



Is that why humans say God doesn’t give horns

to a dreadful animal? I laugh. Imagine thorns,

I mean, horns on the head of a cobra

and lion! I laugh. But our wings we won’t flutter

to hurt anyone except the evil ones we’d hammer,

indeed like the praying mantis and his cluster

of hooligans. The troops first head to the lake

and surrounding area and those napping they wake

and the danger cries no element is faking;

the troops are deep in hideouts chasing



the insects and animals whatever their names

as what hits them is hotter than the fire and its flames.

The troops would climb tall trees and fly down

landing on leaves, branches and trunks and would pound

on insects and animals they come across

so the other creatures are in dread quite surplus

and so fly or race into the distance

that the sharpest eyes couldn’t glance.

The troops’ action is like human police

shelling canisters of teargas to keep the peace.



But those waiting to see what the troops are

up to think it’s rubber bullets that seem to hit and scar

their hides and so they race to the safe points

that they won’t the troops again see; and want

to stay out there for long; the troops combing

continue till they encircle the area surrounding

The Academy – from the lakeside to the rear

to the other side to the front where I stare

with a beam on my face as the sky quite bright

now is at odd moments darkened as lifting in flight


are flocks of birds and insects as they leave

the surroundings of The Academy; I heave

a big sigh of relief as the troops pour

out on the track the students would tour

from the soldier ants’ enclaves to reach

The Academy; who’s in trouble fails what we preach

for hours to heed – they have themselves to blame;

we are showing the hooligans them we’d tame

whatever their antics – it’s a green world

and no less as every silly antics would be foiled.



Here I ended Scene Five but I heard a knock

on the door and nearby too the crow of the cock.

I’d written long and gladly from it did retire,

with the hanky wiped my face which did perspire

and walking across the parlour, glanced at the clock.

Time was far, showing the sun was straight above the block.

Well, I’d come to identify some persons with some knocks

though sometimes some knocks seemed others to mock.

Crookedmouthit rattled his like a wonky truck.

So without looking or asking, I just opened the lock.


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