Dr Fixit (4401 - 4410)


the builders wield their trowels, hammers,

and shovels and the plumbers their spanners.

The entire camp is agog seeing the saucer

on its dicey descent so everything within the power

of every new-breed soldier ant is to be done

to grab it and see in which form

it is – animate or inanimate – and then,

a dissection is imminent but our men,

dodging its blow have left it off their hooks.

It flies off before reaching the ground troops



thickening further the tale of the spook.

But the four landing safely into the forensic nook

are victoriously herded off to answer

great questions that could help power

an insight into the makeup of the saucers

who team up with a spook to usurp power

and overthrow our nascent reign.

Meanwhile, at the remote end

where the alarms were tripped, our members

meet hiding in the thickets other intruders.


The first two only came close our walls to breach

where others would’ve followed the inside to reach

and initiate their havoc – to arrest two

becomes a real tough issue and so our crew

are whacked on all sides by myriad troops

aligning with the rogue and so like snoops,

after getting the signal, those in the base act

following tunnels situated in a way none would attract

and when opened for our troops in a zillion

to sneak out, a zillion more man them like bullion



until the rest return and every bolt inside

could be locked and they all end beside

or between the roots of sturdy trees in bogs

which could be covered with blown-down logs.

From here our troops emerge, crawl on the brush

for long before emerging and at the enemies would rush.

When the rogue troops see they’re gradually

being outnumbered and punched, they hurriedly

withdraw and our troops chase them hard

and our front troops see it and so in their attack



get more ferocious. There’s a melee at the front.

The recent incidents topped up our points

against the enemies and sent wrong signals

to their camp, they see we’re original

in our design – their saucers couldn’t frisk us

as they had fancied and injurious

was their attempts to penetrate our base.

You think every single rogue would hide its face?

They did a tactical thing retreating to a spot

our firefighters couldn’t cover and we venture not


beyond that point; then gradually they melt

behind the trees and though I couldn’t tell

their further motives, I ask the new-breed troops

to withdraw but we stay alert in our coops.

Scene Six ends and Seven opens with me

sitting behind my desk, going through every entry

in Forensic Department’s report

on the account of those who did transport

to the ground on a free ride on the tongue

of the saucer who could’ve sung a song



big and insightful about the new Mendit One.

About the saucer, they all did moan

 that hard as they tried, it got out of their grip

eventually but they attested they did nip

hard on its tongue and possibly to see

if it’d leak blood (which stands contrary

to our core value) but they said it was rubbery

and so harder they bit to see if electricity

like a cable it conducted and from the socket

pulled it but the move to clout them did truncate



further sleuthing as they all leapt to safety

and the saucer escaped after that briefly.

But being that I witnessed everything from the tower,

I nod in total agreement with the details on paper

and resolve, long as Mendit One doesn’t give up

(though long dead) and with the saucers now grub,

we’d meet them whenever and wherever they show up

and push them till their veiled garb they’d drop.

If they like, let them have bodies like crabs

and diaphanous wings – utter new-age crap


it sounded to the new-breed soldier ants.

We know very soon at their origins we’d glance.

I walk across to the window and stare down

at the courtyard – everyone everywhere steps down

purposefully like nothing had happened a moment ago;

things all over are arranged to say to the intakes, ‘Hello.’

And that certainly would happen a few hours

from now even if it rains hard or showers.

But a thought all along I’d tried to put away

resurfaces: ‘What if the spook and his saucers stray



‘in again to disrupt at the critical moment

the ceremony? You’ve made solid arrangement

the highway be secured but what if the drums

of their war at the same time are thumped

to put fear into the hearts of the youngsters

and to their guardians something cynical bolster?’

I nod in realization if your enemies won’t

let you sleep in normal times, then don’t

let your guard down in your important hour

as they might resurface over you to tower


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