Dr Fixit (4391 - 4400)



by any means – I feel like rallying all troops

in our camp to move out and deal with the flukes.

But then, I think again: is this real Mendit One

or his spook? Or who would put on

his frock, if not him or his spook,

and want to dethrone us in our safest nook?

A second alarm trips off at the same angle

near the highway and that shows wrangle

here is stiff and the enemy is more formidable

than we thought – if the tale is like a fable,



the reality we’re deep in war and fighting

an advanced opponent I’m quickly sighting

as a set of saucers flew high across

our camp at a height above the tallest trees (it’s obvious

they’ve been sternly warned about our flight crew

as anything contrary they would rue).

Seeing how cautious the saucers fly around

The Academy, I refuse to let folly surmount

my common sense though visibly tense

I am – I see our troops in sheer defence



of The Academy and themselves reorganize;

the front commanders have quickly realize

I’m not ready to shore up the number

of the front troops and they try to work wonder

with what they have so far – the firefighters

shell more spurts of liquid at the saucers

though it seems the set – four in all –

going loose do so obviously to stall

the sentries chasing to arrest

the snipers who attempted our fortress


to penetrate with their fangs or bombs

(till they’re caught, what between their gums

hid I can’t tell that helped them drill through

our rocky barricades till they tripped and blew

the alarms but the chase is a ding-dong

and there’s no hint they’d escape our sentries quite strong.

The saucers want to act like their covers

to intimidate our troops and see if they’d cower

but they still watch the chase from the distance

their frames are safe – the buzzard dance



they’d heard of and they didn’t want to repeat

that here but to the corner of my eye something flit

and I quickly turn to put it in full view –

a saucer’s tongue lashes out to

snipe me but from the top of the tower,

four sentries jump out from every corner

to latch onto it at points they could not

be harmed and drawing them in would not

serve the saucer or its agents a purpose

quite good – the ferocity of their grip is to depose



evil right on our grounds or wherever

they are taken to – their fangs are eager

to sever, if drawn in, the guts of the saucer

and if left to dangle outside, they’d suffer

the fool who dared to draw close

to hurt anyone in the camp with blows

carefully aimed at strategic points

of any nerve till the brain would feel burnt

and the winged thing, feeling dazed, could then fly

and perch where we could apply


any tactics for its arrest and taken

into our custody, it would truly gladden

every new-breed soldier ant to probe

deeper and analyse the new Mendit One robe

if it is real or fraud and see how we could

best deal with the rogue and his troop.

Or are the saucers synthetic? My eyes

are glued to the action in midair. It’s a surprise

where the four troops emerged from and jumped down

and their vice-like grip which sees the saucer tumbling down



astound the other saucers and their crew –

even those who built The Academy hardly knew

of this feature we added to the camp anew;

after the winged things bonded as one crew

to fight us not too long ago with real Mendit One,

the security commanders said this should be done –

our watchtower should have a veil of protection.

At the top four corners, a unique creation

of shafts curved downwards were made for guards to hide

and take care of any winged enemy who wants to strike



any watch persons reporting on the goings-on

around us and that a few moments ago was done

and I’m seeing the saucer dangerously swerving down;

our troops are clouting it hard on its tongue and now,

the other saucers are in disarray, diving up and down

but too afraid to venture into our compound.

A stiff struggle ensues as the troubled saucer

sinks close to the wall but the matter

takes a twist when out of desperation,

it whips its tongue in anticipation


the troops clinging to it could get a clout

on a wall of the watchtower but the tout

woefully fails as all the men spring down

before impact. Nice thing is, it’s in our compound

but the foe also steadies its bulk

and though a thousand fangs are ready to lock

onto it, right on the wall and down below,

every chef with a pestle or ladle aims for a blow

as they strategically lurk in the shade and shadows;

same with the smiths with mallets and bellows;


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