Dr Fixit (4291 - 4300)



onto a log lying deep into the lake.

I’d been here before and never did take

the risk of going up there; I smell danger

and rush out to see what really is the matter.

I’m racing to go see why it is possible

the troops should climb that log; not accessible

to a soldier ant is that dicey point

except it’s bridged so danger the troop confront.

And danger it is! He sees me approaching

and slips down with a dozen troops sinking


to the surface of the water below; he flies away.

The others about to cross see and quickly lay

hold of things around with their hands and feet

as rushing into the chasm the sudden flit

of praying mantis has caused; every troop

is alarmed that the arched body of a crook

they thought was a stick and followed the log to link

but it was a trap – they see it now and think.

The fellow who ran up the log suddenly wings

has developed and flies off – many foes in the ring;



yes, some seem to gang up against our progress.

One major slip up, the camp would be in a mess.

Who ran up the log looked like an ant

but flew up there like a fly and

the saucers were like large beetles

which tried to grab and eat with their mandibles

the troops until the firefighters scared them off

with spurts of water that hit them rough.

I’m at a loss what really is going on

but praying mantis seems the top foe to confront.



It’s clear the intent was to get as many troops

up the log and he would remove his frame looped

to join the log and the saucers of some beetles

would descend on them to see how feeble

or strong the troops are but severe harm

on that spot would’ve been done as they slam

mercilessly into the water bulk of the troop

and then, every saucer would lick us as soup?

Whatever their intent, the hoses of the firefighters

have sent them off and the troops in the water



flap their limbs to draw themselves to the debris

and fumble on this to get to land and see

how to rejoin the others up on the bank.

And those on the log as one long gang

go down it, gather the debris under them

till they reach the leaves of a bent stem

and then crawl up to join us and back we march

but I wonder why the beetles would attach

(or whatever they are) themselves to the praying mantis;

well, in a crafty battle expect all the lousy antics.



Then a scrawl on the wall attracts the troops

to stop and read and the strokes and loops

are in Antish, the language of the soldier ants:

‘I, Mendit One, I’m back with my formidable plans

to send you fools home and stop your silly rants.

Who don’t need their heads broken should seize this chance

and scamper home before we return with our drums

and beat to them what would be macabre to their trunks.’

That scrawl on our well-painted walls of green

send the shivers down our spines and make me lean.



I ask the commander of Criminology

and the head of Forensics sub-unit to come and see

the writing on the wall and also the chaplain

so the bulk of the new-breed soldier ants they’d help explain

why with our beliefs in no spooks yet spooks

seem to pop up in all our crannies and nooks.

The head of Forensics is first to speak:

‘The report of the test at no point isn’t weak

on its proclamation that the remains in our box

is that of Mendit One. Anything else is a hoax.’


Two swallows flit overhead and the whole troop

suddenly standing still, gaze up – our long look

is to see if those are the saucers of some beetles.

Who wants to be munched in wicked-looking mandibles?

You see, this battle would’ve been long over

if we had wings which to a point we’d just flutter.

With these, we’d just zero in on our targets

and hit them till their evil schemes they’d forget.

Well, this mission is glad to have the firefighters

whose hoses spurt out liquid that sounds like firecrackers.



Certain there is no harm in the air, I say:

‘So, sir, you mean someone the fool to play

has decided?’ ‘Exactly, Doc, and soon the fool

to all would be known.’ Could the new tool,

I think soberly within, be praying mantis,

my number one suspect? But it’s weird practice

to have the scrawl of a soldier ant,

the confrontation of a praying mantis and

saucers of some beetles at one front;

so more suggestions from the others I prompt.



The chaplain laughs and says: ‘Physical battles

are something done by the living though some tactics

the living do employ prepped up with elements

that are supernatural, that is, a being takes up contents

that are paranormal, I mean, possessed by

a higher force. Some beings are born sly.

The scrawl here could be that of a new crook

stepping on the scene as a place he tries to book.

If Forensics says Mendit One is dead, then he is.

If this is him really, the truth is it isn’t bliss.


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