Dr Fixit (4331 - 4340)



As the days sneaked in and out again

its constant narrative about the sun or rain,

I did creatively juggle it many an hour

to see how I could keep the new romantic fire

burning real hot between me and my partner.

I stayed mute or spoke in a low tone as palaver

would’ve brewed if I did venture to holler

at her habit that seemed my taste to alter –

I strained to see how constantly we’d not falter

but meet in the middle and build a model shelter



for like fireflies our light was seen across

our clans – so our noble ways to all were a plus.

While working to keep the home front better,

I was regularly meeting with my business partner –

Crookedmouthit, I mean and for a decent plot

I looked for to site our scripting firm and we got

not too long after a nice one with a vista

into the sandy bank of our big river

where constantly we’d watch the kingfishers

sing and fish and the crabs nibble with their pincers.



While working to acquire the plot, a visit

to the orphanage we paid to see Loveit

and I was given the ample chance

to interact with the kids in songs and dance

and later I taught them the rudiments

of scripting and Crookedmouthit got an allotment

of time to share his experience with the team

that recovered the big script and that tripped

our young audience who were adamant

they’d watch the play or film starring a soldier ant


wherever and whenever it was staged – on water,

land or air; the first option made the kids shudder

but I told them when the film or play was ready,

they’d see – their eyes with excitement were bleary.

So while on our way home as we sat at the back

of the cart drawn by the rat, I did attack

a great line of thought that’d make that dream

a reality but the trick I‘d not utter or scream

to the hearing of my aide – I buried it deep

in my head though soon to it I’d let him peep.



‘Honestly, I’d tried for a long time to write

but it seemed my head got blocked and hard I’d tried

to bulldoze through that barrier and anything

of meaning on the paper be penning.

How do you do it? What’s your inspiration?’

‘If you have talent, what needed next is ambition.

But to all, you would add perspiration.

Here most people chicken out and culmination

their dream wouldn’t hit – try, try, try and your eyes

open just wide and your feat you would surprise.’



Crookedmouthit just met me at home a day

before the last part of ‘The Intrigue’ would display

on the theatre and made his robust confession

and I answered him with deep contemplation

but he laughed hard and told me: ‘With your mouth

you make scripting seem simple but I’ve serious doubt

if it really is. Secretly, long and hard I’d perspired

but what so far I’d done wouldn’t anyone inspire.’

I asked him to show me what he’d done

as you could be consumed with perfection and the fun


in wit and hilarity embedded in a piece

just miss. ‘Every genius, my brother, was once a novice.’

Crookedmouthit smiled at that and put his hand

deep into his pocket, brought out a pad and did land

it on my palm and what I perused made me smile.

‘My brother, you sure can write. Great tricks in a while

I’d show you – what you suffer now is writer’s block.

So we’d go out and I’d show you how to jump over a truck.’

While reeling with laughter on the settee, I went in

and changed; like a clown I appeared and this made him



further to grin; when he recovered from his

fun-filled shrieks, the point still he did seem to miss

but I said: ‘Learn from real life, reflect it too

in your writing – in the market, you show every tooth

to cajole the buyers to buy your goods

while too much teeth-showing in court is rude.’

I went in again and changed and we stepped out

and it showed on my face I was truly proud

of Crookedmouthit’s feat – a confirmed scribe

he was and with the next trick, quite well he’d write.



We moved towards the outskirts of our town,

precisely to the farms where on a tree we could hang

and observe the birds and animals roam the expanse

of the sky and land – we climbed a lone tree and did glance

all around us: we saw the farmers with hoes

weed the farms and scanning the plants were sparrows

and tits and parakeets for things to bite –

we quietly observed all within our sight.

With the sun climbing high and blazing were its rays,

the farmers left for homes through different ways


except one, who was busy digging the soil

around his plant as painstakingly he did toil

to add manure to the roots and quiet as ever

we watched, him and everything around, till a cobra

slithered quietly after a bush fowl

which innocently for food the land did prowl

and ventured unknowingly towards the farmer

just when the sly cobra got geared to hammer

its potential victim but both at the same time

saw the farmer and seeing situation wasn’t fine,


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