Dr Fixit (4381 - 4390)



‘jump into a leaking boat in the sea to drown

thinking you’re destined changers though a clown

every one of you turns out to be as every town

you stepped on you had soiled; you’d frown

and weep – I assure you all of that – as my troop

with our invincibility has come back after a long snoop

on your activities and would embarrass

you all right here in the enclave before every lass

and lad and all the oldies that you’re all fake

and that their trust in you is an awful mistake.


‘To your little ruler and you sissies, we’d bake

you luscious buns to eat and then take

you on a free ride with our flying saucers

and deposit you where you’d work as porters

and labourers in an abyss the sun again

you’d not see and not feel on your skin the rain

for all time – not our fault; if you’d listened

earlier to my warning, you would’ve ridden

yourselves of this egoistic ambition

for your self-styled “Duke of Plants” is in motion



‘of self-destruction, the four million plus

of you would be the sacrifice; the gross

of the new troops we won’t allow to join you –

the reason I’m here with my brand new crew.

I know you all are thinking Mendit One

is back with rhetoric and propaganda but I’d grown

far beyond what in stature you knew me;

I’m still the soldier ant but with a sting like a real bee.

Go in there and drag them out to our base

but dead or alive, I want to meet face-to-face



‘the little ruler and show him the real duke

of the plants and custodian of our big book

of tradition is here.’ That signals the saucers

to fly towards our castle and the firefighters

desperately crawl over the wall with every hose

shelling liquid to ward off all the foes

but they dive up and down to dodge

the liquid shelled at them and the sight a clutch

gives to my heart but then I’m in real dread

when one saucer steadily dodges right overhead


and zooms towards the tower and at it I peer

to see if it’s a bird or insect and to hear

the sound it makes – I listen keenly;

still analyzing it, it veers cunningly

to attack the line of the firefighters;

the spurts of liquid fly everywhere and in the tower

some drops splash on me but the mandibles

of the saucer open and an elongated and incredible

tongue zips out and over quite a distance tries

to snatch a firefighter whose hose and eyes



are fixed in the opposite direction of the danger

threatening its person but like a banger

another firefighter unleashes more shells

of liquid at the enemy who up just scales

to a point the water can’t reach

and then I notice that none of them breach

drawing too close to the trees around our camp

which means their leader did hint they’d be harmed,

as it happened once, by our special flight crew

who could hide in trees and have them in view.



The way the saucers swerve and fly at

our firefighters and other troops show that

they’d come at us with a wicked strategy;

they were bent on sapping our front troops of energy

and when this is obvious, the foot soldiers

would move in and attack all our frontiers.

I’m desperate to pass an order

to every security commander

out there that the troops be taken back

to the safety of the camp but an attack


is launched at The Academy at the end

remote from the front and the act does paint

a grim picture of our current situation –

the enemy has an inordinate ambition

of liquidating the entire new-breed troops

including those working in our remotest coops.

How do I know this? Well, the lakeside

is where the front is but the new strike

is at the rear of The Academy,

a stupendous blast by the enemy



at the angle of adjoining walls by the highway

that leads to the clans, someone did stray

with evil intent to penetrate our dwelling

at that point and his arduous digging

just trips – thanks to the tech guys – an alarm

and the sentries, I learn, just swarm,

after jumping from our high walls where they hung,

the ground to arrest the bum

who heard the sound and headed back

the way he came to reach a safe escape track.



But the sentries are hard on his heels

and he’s racing for life like sportsmen on wheels.

From the watchtower I watch the chase

looking sideways as the lakeside which I face

has the enemy troops in real combat

with the new-breed soldier ants but the fact

that one or more troops could venture to strike

our camp from a remote point with a missile,

known or unknown, gave me a funny feeling

the enemy is set to see us tripping


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