Dr Fixit (4431 - 4440)



and surveyor sat heavily on my mind.

I sneaked into their offices and we signed

contracts for the survey of the land

and I sketched with words the plan

for the building the architect should draw –

I detailed everything from roof to floor.

I returned home and told my aide

and the next day a visit to the site we paid

where we watched the artisans at work

surveying and drafting where we would stand every block.



Not long, I got from the architect

and surveyor the plans, the structure was perfect

for our kind of profession as scribes

that would pen things on all races and tribes

of insects, animals and humans

and put them out there for everyone to glance

as movies, articles, dramas and books

and the subjects from the saints to the crooks

we’d not shy away from as lessons they’d teach

to every audience as the word we’d preach.


The building when done would look like a ship

which in the middle of a lake would sit.

A bridge from the street would meet

the deck and we would site in the pit

surrounded by the water our training school

for anyone who would desire in the pool

of those wielding pens to have a permanent link;

the deck would welcome those who would bring

great ideas to us – it would host the reception

and our office; the stern of my mansion



would host the penthouse where my wife

and I would steal in for a quiet life.

The upper part of the mast would be a tower

I’d sneak to and peep beyond our borders

at my neighbours and their actions as these

(whether quarrels, childish pranks or a stolen kiss)

would activate my muse and more tales

I’d pen and weigh more on the literature scales.

The architect brought to me a civil engineer

he said was tested and trusted and the pair



said in six months the mansion I’d move in;

the advance in cash I paid and we did grin

and shake hands to show the deal was sealed.

The builders brought their boys the next day to till

the ground – after pegging, every grain of sand

with fangs were picked by the youthful soldier ants

and dropped near the borders of my land;

the excavation by the gang was grand.

At the end of the day’s work, with sumptuous food

they were feasted and they in a merry mood


left for their homes and were happy the days

following to mix the concrete and spread this

on the foundations and lay the stones,

form the pillars and the edifice was grown

steadily, showing in the agreed time

it would be completed and I’d wine and dine

with kith and kin over the huge project

I’d initiated with the cash from my pocket

which I’d earned with my intellect and sweat.

While patiently waiting for the completion date,



I never stopped working on my new play,

‘THE RETURN OF MENDIT ONE’ and made foray

with my aide to new situations that would kick

into life our inspirations and help us pick

great images to aid us in crafting works

that would bless the eyes and ears of theatre folks

across the clans and even beyond. I did suggest

as a deserving vacation after months of stress

that we crossed the adjoining swamp and creek

and spent some days that could stretch to a week



our time in the human towns to keep tabs

on events as it’s a constant humans never naps

in springing up a new tale at any time,

coded in their genes is every vice and crime

(according to their scientists) so in the grime

most would gladly wallow like the swine.

My aide jumped at the offer and we did trek

after informing our wives the needed break

we were taking from the constant public glare

though the information gave my wife the scare.


Straying to human enclave she had said to me

could make us join a ship and sail across the sea

which meant for longer again we’d be away

as for adventure and fun we could stray

from our marital homes. I laughed there

and told her she didn’t need to nurse any fear

that we would go and return in a few days

as we only needed materials for new plays.

I intimated to her in an honest way

that a new experience is the mainstay



and a boon to anyone who wants to thrive

as a creative; for the writer’s block it’s the knife

or rather, the hammer to smash it.

‘For the few days we’d spend in a hamlet

or city as humans are not short

of surprises and we’d cook and serve them hot

in our theatre and every theatre folk would

lap them up; they would light up every dark mood.’

With that, I was released and yes, my friend

joined me and we took our seats on the train


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