A Long Love Song (001 - 010)


Harmattan on our village leaves its thick cover:

Siblings cling to siblings, husbands to their wives

But a robber of a thought my sleep seems to pilfer –

An emotion recently gave me the gybes.


Where did love go that the media endlessly

Would moan to us over it? Earnestly,

In market squares and streets, it’s stridently

Said love has gone into hiding so hopelessly


I’ve contemplated how probable is the fact

That love could just vamoose from everyone’s heart



When it has a day we celebrate in a year;

When most wear its symbols as necklaces and rings?

Who did put dear love in reverse gear

Or did we mix virtues together with sins?


When did gold start to submit to rust?

Did guilty take the apparel of just?

Who would help stop love smooching with lust?

If love is gone, to what do we give our trust?


They say now show don’t tell – this means this preaching

Quite sanctimonious folks are bored with hearing.



You don’t want to go there, I won’t go there too.

Yes, we’re keeping religion out of this

As it’s widely believed that a lot we rue

Is because it bites but pretends to kiss.


I’ve resolved this issue from that platform

I’d not let pass through so like a worm

I’d wriggle on a journey on pebble and thorn

To know why love on a toaster would burn.


It’s wee hours, the brown dove coos near my window;

I’m wide-eyed and restlessly clutch my pillow.



While waiting for dawn, I decide a song

With love as a theme soon I should write;

So for inspiration a trip quite long

To the woods and even city I should guide


My every stride – to know why it blew its top;

To know why in homes and streets it’d flop;

To restore it, what should be the swap

And how do we plant it as a verdant crop?


I’ve resolved once the bell chimes at dawn

I’d step out on a journey to write a long song.



The bell goes: ‘Kong-kong! Kong-kong! Kong-kong!’

I kick my feet out of my lonely bed;

I’d paint the essence of love in this song;

I’d catch it like the fish with a net;


Bring it home to assess its make-up;

From its grimy bottom to gleaming top

To know why some succeed and others would flop;

Some soar but like rotten fruits, others would drop.


I’m throwing a warm jacket on my back;

Slip into my shoes and pick up my knapsack.



I choose a good time of the year to step out –

It is the season of endless sunshine;

With wet leaves, I’d have less of a bout

Though my body would be covered with grime.


But complaints I won’t give of sudden rain

That descended and bogged down my train

Or drenched me to the skin and made me insane –

You’d hear a full report of the turns of the vane.


I’d tell why cock won’t stop chasing hen

And goat, though roped, would keep rioting in the pen.



Of course, I mention the animals for

As I’m leaving the village I hear their sounds;

I see light stream outside through a door –

A shadow on the wall and something she counts:


Two options stare at me, she’s up early

To cater to those she loves dearly

Or she’s up because someone technically

Has lost that touch – she’d lost him to the telly.


A bicycle swings from the yard to the street;

Oh, it’s the tapper – I halt my feet and greet.



Is it love that makes him ride miles and miles

To go tap for wine deep in the countryside

And bring it back in gourds as the men with smiles

And songs, clutching their cups, would let it glide


Down their throats and some become happy

And reel off their triumphs; and some ratty

Would reel off their woes sounding raspy

But this tapper would get hold of their money


For he knows what lovelorn men desire:

Something like water which burns them like fire.



The lovebirds drink too but stay merry

Around their partners but the lovelorn

Would seek hopeless mates who with they’d tarry

And share the bluesy songs of hearts quite torn.


The tapper is gone with the creaks of his bike;

In the dim light, I follow heading to the countryside.

Uphill and down, across streams and brooks, he’d ride –

In the same direction, I put my every stride.


With the burgeoning light of the new day,

Birds in trees the dawn chorus joyfully would play.



Are these awesome choristers not singing

Of love? I’m not sure or why as some see

The hawk; they squawk, scatter and swing

To hide deep in any fortress in any tree?


Or is love a class thing – sparrow for sparrow

And dove for dove for the hawk would swallow

Who dares cross the line? Therefore some wallow

In a different emotion – what’s its name we’d know.


But I’m only keen to seek out why cock,

Though he’d trip and fall, would crow round the clock,

READ 'A LONG LOVE SONG (011 - 024)

READ 'A LONG LOVE SONG (025 - 038)'


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