A Long Love Song (025 - 038)



The road ahead is far where I’d join a boat,

Hop on a cab, a train and if need be, a plane

So the essence of love in places remote

And near we would assess, learn and explain;


See if we could separate real from fake

And that our thirst eventually we would slake

Like with a drink on a journey you make –

A break right now nearby I must take.


There’s a log where people rest at a crossroads

And a set of three posts people keep their loads.



I draw close to the log and sit down

But I hear creaks of metals approach me;

They’re familiar sound and right up in my crown

I needn’t task my brain to tell who that could be.


The tapper emerges into view and I greet him;

He’s glad to see me and so gives me a beam.

He stops at my front and asks where I’d been;

Then asks if it wasn’t me earlier he’d seen.


‘Well, we met earlier but the light was dim.’

Then my intent straightaway I give to him:



‘I’m going on a long tour, sir, to find out

What is love for many profess it

But their every word and deed gives me doubt

If they have a grasp of what they exhibit.’


The tapper beams longer, gets off his bike

And pushes it under the shade to hide.

Being well parked, he unhitches from the side

Of the carrier a bottle he had tied.


With cups from a bag on the other side

He draws close to me – what I taste I like.



We drink and chat and with our free hands

Try to keep flies and bees from stealing our drinks

And one bee insists in it he’d dance.

Well, I let it, fearing greatly its stings.


He lands, bounces and swirls inside the pool

In my cup – what you love has a pull

But be careful it doesn’t make or break a rule;

Would obstinacy shun the mule?


We’re watching if the bee would swim or drown;

Well, I pick it as it’s drowned and throw it down.



‘What you love would kill you,’ the tapper says

And laughs – the bees truly love sweet things

And no doubt, work hard for them days after days

Pollinating flowers of woody beings.


So one found a palm dripping with juice;

Then to others, it spread the good news.

Ah, they all declared war with no truce

And bragging in their arms, they broke all rules.


But the bitter side of most sweet things

Is their intoxication has death wings.



I shake the tapper’s hand and go my way.

If what you love actually would kill you,

‘Folly!’ to what you love is what I’d say;

Let common sense stave off what would make you blue.


What sweetness is there if it staggers me?

What sweetness is there if it batters me?

What sweetness is there if it shatters me?

What sweetness is there if it slaughters me?


It’s impossible to escape death

But wicked is love that gives you ill health.



I walk on and would not stop pondering

Over symbols that depict love like the heart –

But even it does a great deal of taking

Which enables it to pump blood to every part


And organ of your body and my body;

From the nails to hair and the belly

But do you know if not for nose, teary

Would be the eyes if air ceases really


To reach the lungs? Love isn’t fragment

But a whole – to float it, parts work in tandem.



I would say it looks like mutual respect

Or reciprocity is the heartbeat of love

But it seems also some things are perfect

For with endless giving, they soar above.


Well, to find out I’m going really deep

Into the woods so we won’t miss facts they keep.

I gaze at the waters of a brook as they slip

Over a rock – unravelling love is worth the trip.


I see roots upon roots dipping their ends

In the water but with their leaves and stems



The trees let the sun take it to the sky

And there it gathers like cloud again;

Then falls back on the ground low or high

As mist forming dew or drops of rain.


We give so there could be an endless pool

Where from we would take till we are full

Of love and merriment – only a fool

Hoards love and it seems too many a fool


In the world abounds hence there is war

In every nook loudly knocking on every door.



Do you believe there’s no war where you live?

But down the street a gangster butchers

A gangster; uptown, did a mugger give

Love so he pulled a gun from his trousers


And told a couple: ‘Your money or life!’?

Hoarding of love is causing untold strife

That flimsy argument would draw a knife;

It’s hoarding of love that makes hate to be rife.


Giving love generously means love we’d take

For we’d swim in it just like waters in a lake.



Deep in the woods, I reach the foot of a mount.

It’s dusk and I climb to stand on its peak

Before the last minutes the birds would count

And the sun down the horizon its bed would seek.


So the laymen thought till science proved otherwise;

Then satellites were launched up the skies.

Knowing the facts, we chuck aside all the lies –

Education makes us knowledgeable and wise.


The mount is covered in rainbow hues

Of a sun that has paid to life its dues.



I sight the rails that’d take me to town

So I might pluck more and add to the theme –

Hopefully, you’d hear the tale before next sundown;

Now, I’m engrossed in the scene like a film.


If love is a picture, it’d be charming than this;

If love is liquid, hate wouldn’t make it freeze.

Who dares to equate it with a superficial kiss?

Love to life remains the genuine lease.


A plane flies at the far nook of the sky;

Soon the embers of the sun at the other end would die.



My intent was to come and see if in life

There’s a thing that gives and gives – well, it’s the sun.

It’s a long climb up but before my sight

Is the splendour of a sun that’s gone,


As bards would say, to rest for the day.

Like a hard-working man, they love to portray

The sun who lets his axe up, down and side to sway

And at night, he seeks a place his head to lay.


Yes, science with facts, to all firmly states

That the majestic sun never leaves its gates.



But it gives its love endlessly

Which the planets take because their sides

Endlessly too they’d turn – in reality,

If they don’t revolve they’d end up suicides.


Mutual respect or reciprocity is fun –

Let us all learn from the planets and sun

To give and take so enmity would be gone;

I say it to the other as well as one.


It’d be great to turn to love and shun hate

Or else, this awesome globe courts a dooming fate.

READ 'A LONG LOVE SONG (001 - 010)'

READ 'A LONG LOVE SONG (011 - 024)'


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