Teachers (001 - 005)

Well, you know me, I'm a fabulous guy;
From a young age, I like to play with my books
Ignoring the girls though I wasn't that shy;
Loved chasing birds and baiting fish with hooks.

With my mates, we were fond of stoning fruits;
Raced through the bush, tripping on stems and roots;
We'd penetrate deep and start to make the hoots
Just to see we go back safely to our neighbourhoods.

But our teacher told the boys in his class:
Girls don't bite - every lad should chat with a lass.

The naughty ones he'd give the cutlass,
Take them out and place them in the field
And give them portions of the grass
To cut or sow seeds that fruits would yield.

Our teacher wore a belt with clasp of brass;
He was fond of wearing on each eye a glass.
He had a great voice with a tone of bass;
The music he loved I got to know was jazz.

The young man bore a very funny name;
He tried hard the wild side of us to tame.

He told us once of friends who went out
To a party – one pleaded with the others:
‘Please, don’t say I’m a yokel when with the crowd.’
They nodded and said they’d obey his orders.

They put on their best wear and along the street
Strutted with shoes that shone on their feet –
They were all like soldiers marching to a beat;
They got to the venue and each took his seat.

The music was good so everyone did dance;
Some outdid others and got claps of hands.

Then time for food came - everyone ate and drank;
The food was good and the yokel showed it
Gobbling and licking the bowl - here his rank
To other guests reveal wholly he did.

When we burst out laughing, our teacher
Went about how best to emit laughter;
He said it was wrong to reel and holler
Like a motor park tout or petty trader.

Our schooling, he said, was to round off
Our character - bad habits out we had to snuff.

He'd be highly disappointed when pens
Or books left owners' boxes and bags
And were found in the possession of friends
And sometimes with different names or strange tags.

Then, robbers were still tied to drums and shot;
Our teacher would start a tirade of what's the lot
Of pinching this, pinching that from Mama's pot
And thinking you're lucky not to be caught.

Desist, he'd tell us, before it turns bad;
For if shot, that'd be really really sad.


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