
Showing posts from April, 2024

Dr Fixit (4521 - 4530)

  4521 The crowd moved back and the figure of a woman, tall and of robust stature, was seen leaning on the protector of a louvred window and the proprietor of the cyber cafe paraded the thief towards her. Their greetings were brief. The cafe owner asked the woman: ‘Please, ma. Do you know this young man?’ She nodded and said: ‘He’s my son.’ ‘We’re here for something bad he’d done. 4522 ‘A phone our customer charged and forgot he took with him instead of a report he could’ve lodged and kept in our custody the item. The owner returned and visibly fumed in my shop over the stolen phone and as such degrading acts aren’t known where I operate, I decided to the root of the matter to get and marched my boots to someone who the crime fast could uncover. The ukang initiated brought us to this shelter   4523 ‘and the phone in your son’s bag was found. As custom demands, there is an amount the native doctor asks for his services and if not

Dr Fixit (4511 - 4520)

  4511 who inattentive and deep in chats were and when negatively they reacted, they were told by the audience hot in pursuit what was on. They’d pipe down and as it’d suit some of them, they tagged along the last tale to hear. The pole went on as if by a gale it was driven. The dude we rode on his shoulders would’ve opted out as from streets to boulevards we were hauled along but he found his hand to the pole was glued like the rest of the band   4512 of volunteers and until the end of the task, no one hand could leave the pole. And if you ask to know why, I’d say wait till this tale reaches its end as you definitely won’t fail the gist to grasp. The pole swung across a busy street, car drivers with force stepped on their pedals and tyres did screech as they stopped and the outburst was rich with foul language at the intruders who kept on as if chased by robbers. 4513 The volunteers clung to the pole and the crowd of onlookers, some

Dr Fixit (4501 - 4510)

  4501 ‘Edem,’ a t the cyber cafe’s a ttendant, ‘shut the system! Those who think it’s a rant I don’t play with my business reputation would know today that any right action I’d need to take to keep it intact, I would. Planning to rubbish our image won’t do good to anyone who has such evil in their mind. Who took the phone, I say this for the last time, should respect themselves and return it to its place.’ I closed the windows and quit   4502 using the computer before the attendant logged off the entire system and quickly I attempted to end my explanation as our ears were now split in every direction. ‘Not too long ago,’ I said, ‘the masked men were banned for dread they would maim innocent spectators as it did happen when they prowled the streets often, especially during the masquerade season or the celebrations at the year-end season.   4503 ‘The masked men who bore a skull, sham or not, and his sword-wielding gang did harm year


  With his new friend, the tout, Tom had torn open a side of the leather suitcase and found the jewels and money. They took out the first five thousand dollars for the bus terminal tout to go exchange and know what it would amount to in naira. The tout did change the dollars and brought back eighty thousand naira which Tom split equally between them. He took another five thousand dollars and gave to the tout to go exchange – it was safe they exchanged the money in bits. While waiting for the tout to return, Tom bought himself new clothes and shoes and was running around with the village girls. The percipient stepfather noticing Tom’s sudden transformation, looked into the synthetic bag, saw the strange-looking bills but seeing what was happening, decided to pilfer some, remembering a popular saying of his people: ‘When God helps you; help yourself.’ When the police came, the alert stepfather stole out of the house and it was he who saw the tout coming around at the same moment the poli