DR FIXIT (4271 - 4280)



so again here – drop the defensive posture;

being proactive in every unit should be the feature.

In minutes, the troops swarm The Academy grounds

and hang at strategic points at fixed rounds.

Indeed, the honeymoon is over and routine tasks

have resumed and every fang, not just for food but as axe,

is to be used to trim to size any fool

who dares defectively any unit to retool.

With an extra hose, the firefighters soon

snuff out the fire; we look for any loon



who we in any way could link to the mishap.

Then I’m thinking – did any frog thinking he’s a big chap

tried smoking some dried weed and with his brain

messed up, flung the tinder into his supposed drain?

I do rule out humans. The entire Yellow Lake

hasn’t yet witnessed the print of any leg

resembling human and with that thought,

I scan the ground more from The Academy plot

to the waters of Yellow Lake. That’s one flaw

with suspicion – who’d best keep safe your fish quite raw?



The cat, rat or dog? You think it depends on the line

of training they got? Well, to none I’d entrust mine.

Maybe before. Certainly, not now. The frog,

praying mantis or Mendit One in a living frock:

we’d keep potential suspects far from our wall;

who gets too close would be made to bawl.

I reach the lake and see nothing human around.

Am I surprised evil in many forms do abound?

Who jumps and drags a deer drinking water

inside the lake and makes a bush rat seek cover



desperately far from its well fortified burrow?

Something hurtles fast – it is harm saying, ‘Hello!’

I duck under the overhanging arm of a twig

and the dry stick cracks on it and breaks; it’s quite big.

Then I see swinging across the lake is the lout,

the praying mantis; his fight this time is real loud.

I nod and nod and put him down as sole culprit;

it’d take a clear and contrary evidence to rid

that thought from my mind and boldly I step out

to assess the area from the pristine water to the cloud.



SCENE THREE: I’m sitting in the mess hall

with every unit commander as nothing would stall

our gathering here together this very hour

to show every enemy we still have the power

to move forward our destiny till the apt time

our Creator, after fulfilling our goals, is inclined

to end it – so right now, our core focus

is to get on with The Academy without ruckus

so I’m here with my commanders

to name the departments and their leaders



and outline their tasks and how fast they should

go about them and three weeks would be a period good

for the intake to start coming in

and for six moons they’d get their training.

So I start this way to inform my subordinates:

‘Good day, ladies and gentlemen, like I did state

in the morning, The Academy should start

in earnest – my second in command on her part

would solely be in charge of admission

and would co-teach,’ (there’s elation)


as the commanders realize I’m right there

with the list of names of who would bear

the departments on their shoulders as we march

forward), ‘in my department as we’d hatch

better ways to shape the pupils’ character

to show them how not to foolishly chatter

and how not to worry over frivolities

and go around exhibiting inanities.

Call it Department of Character Building.

Tendit One would be in charge of moulding



‘the Department of Science and Technology

and Mendit Two would handle Information Technology

and Mass Communication; Civil Engineering

would be chaired by Buildit Ten and sitting

as chair in Department of Law would be Lionit

and Mathematics would be Countit

as Stewit format things in Home Economics

and Hoeit would solely take charge of Agronomics.

Herbit would supervise Department of Medicine

and Dialectit would be in Linguistics and in



the secretariat, Testit would handle the Unknowns

where topics not clearly defined would be grown

till a specific department they’d be assigned

or a new one would be properly designed.

The units not specifically mentioned here

would stay under Unknowns but the ones that share

names with the departments remain both

a department and a unit and like in a boat,

they have one captain who tells his or her subordinates

on which clear course to go as he or she coordinates.


‘Tomorrow on the notice board of every unit

would be this list and guidelines after final edit.

Text to be used would be produced by all

and we’d go through them and accepted texts in this hall

by the commanders would be approved – give your best

and encourage everyone in your unit to add to the text.

We even encourage anyone who can to come up

with an entire book by themselves – that would up

the tempo of the new mission.

We’d meet back to announce the date of admission


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