DR FIXIT (4230 - 4240)


I copied and copied and when my hand felt a cramp,

I let Crookedmouthit take my place and scrammed

to the loo and then returned in a jolly mood

to drink the chilled wine and eat the sumptuous food.

All the while, I hovered to see if my co-scribe

did well as we didn’t need a thing to retype.

From a window near the balcony, I saw

Patienceit watching us – I’d noticed this before:

she never joined her husband when business

with his minions at any time he’d address.



But I noticed too she kept tabs on the goings-on

from her position in the background. On the lawn,

a group of chaps at a ball swung the bats

and those with them watching had heated chats.

I sent someone to pass to them the order

that heavy sound would make the copyist falter

that they should lessen it for if we needed noise

a record player out would the theatre boss

have brought and then we all would whistle

and to the latest releases would wriggle.



Crookedmouthit with pen and paper did fiddle;

some chaps from the cellar did wrestle

with cartons and coolers; and every pack and bottle

with contents emptied other chaps back did hustle

and place at apt points; the time little by little

went forward and every minute did tickle

our fancy that what people thought was prattle,

and to bring back looked impossible

and though the trek worn us to a frazzle,

was here eventually with a twinkle.



It’s not good to have a mind that is fickle

as to pursue a great dream you would dawdle

letting it eventually out to fizzle.

A decisive mind from fate would wheedle

fortune; prick your dream hard with your mental needle

and blood in ripples would flow to hustle

your great dream along and friends and foes would struggle

to get on board as with success folks want to mingle.

We were all busy in theatre boss’ castle

for success like a spring around us did bubble.



This success my joy overwhelmingly did tickle;

to those with tainted minds, their skin it’d prickle;

yes, those who thought my attempt was risible

but now the entire project was tenable.

In whatever format it would be made available,

theatre or cinema, it would be enviable;

theatre boss looked every inch irrepressible

and I sensed the production would be irresistible.

And to make the mood highly inflammable,

I drew the boss aside and like tittle-tattle,


I hinted: ‘For a sequel, I’ve started with the title –

THE RETURN OF MENDIT ONE.’ The boss quite nimble,

jumped up and further to a remote angle

under a plum drew me and made what did resemble

a top secret: ‘The world is far advanced

that just like humans so also the soldier ants.

I must confess that I’d tried really hard

to dismantle and ferry across every part

of machines that’d help us in film production

from the cameras to screen on television.



‘I’m not relenting. I have crews across the river

watching and studying how we could move over

those machines, even the outmoded black-and-white screen

and once they’re here, we’d start to film and beam

the scripts in homes, cinemas and theatres across the clans

which the entire art community would enhance.

Keep writing and be rest assured I’d adapt

every piece for the theatre and soon as it’s apt

we’d move to celluloid – the cinema is new here

but with my crews on the ground, soon we’d get there.’



We excitedly returned to join the rest

and I checked over and saw the script got its best.

I asked Crookedmouthit to take a rest

and got back to writing on the desk.

The boss would appreciate the new when he’d get hold

and see who was Mendit One in the old.

Then I knew he’d put the pressure on me

to finish the sequel – he’d turn the heat on me

and I sure love pressure when I’m on a task;

it’s like the summer sun and in it I bask.


And I needed to be egged on by the boss

so my career like the era before married I got

I’d still be playing top dog of the scripting game

and I liked the timetable we set so no blame

on our marriage I’d put – the two at the middle

met and I foresaw no unwarranted meddle.

The sun left rusty bars anew at the horizon

when we finished recopying the script and the tome

I formally handed over to theatre boss

surrounded by the crew giving rapturous applause.



‘I’m overexcited to have this script today

in my hands and I can assure you all we’d not stray

from blessing the fans with charming production

that’d leave all the clans with heightened emotion.

I’d admit it’s too late to say much

and as you guys leave, to every scene I’d rush.

Bonuses for the effort you’d here and now receive;

in two or three weeks, in the theatre what you achieve

you’d hear by yourselves from the fans

and I’d urge you all to seize the grand chance



‘to be relevant in all the productions.

Check the notice board for additions

or alterations to time of rehearsals

and please, don’t your ambitions put on reversals.

Let the deserters when they return see

we’re not lagging behind.’ Teehee, teehee,

was everyone excited! We loaded the dough

into our knapsacks and left; next would be the show –

the remaining part of my play, ‘THE INTRIGUE’.

The plot had thickened and soon would be the flick.


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