DR FIXIT (4251- 4261)



I’m excited with the flow of my thoughts.

At the distance I see squirrels snip some nuts.

I whistle down to a sentry who rushes up.

I tell him to pass on the message that all turn up

at the assembly ground in a moment.

In my mind’s eye, I see everyone make a movement

there and I get down and strut to the podium

to deliver a speech without any tedium.

‘The honeymoon is over, guys, and the one thing

that took us out and brought us here does ring



‘aloud the bells – society keeps sliding down the mire;

places are burning as if the globe is set on fire.

Humans everywhere turn things upside down;

our cause is real, we’d pursue it without a frown.

We all know what was our core shortcoming.

This time around, we’d need to have a long bonding

and must vastly increase our numbers;

the number before left our effort in tatters.

Also, we took up tenet that seemed to bind

our hands behind our backs and so this time,


‘not that we’d dilute it as main thing would remain

we’d not shed blood so from things we’d refrain

that tend to push us in that direction –

swift expansion would provoke that; so expansion

would be phase by phase – the jungle first;

and gradually, the hamlets and nearby towns next.

When these are safe, who loves this would borrow

from us a leaf and the world would its sorrow

jointly and gradually end; yea, we know humans

are forever bad but we’d force them to good to dance.



My second in command rouses me with her phone

that the troops are waiting in the assembly zone.

I stride down the tower to go address all

except the lone sentry near the reception hall.

But he can hear me loud and clear from that point

as he keeps an eye outside to guide those who want

to meet us for one enquiry or the other;

the direction to take to reach their brother,

sister or just any other kith and kin;

and to steer away any unnecessary din.



Notwithstanding this, he would’ve joined us

but the distance too wasn’t that injurious

to his reception and appraisal of events.

I step on the podium and my voice does rend

the air: ‘I’m sorry to wake you all from bed

just as the dawn chorus the birds embed

into the dawn – it’s important to remind

myself as everyone else that tricky is the mind

and if it’s denied good exercise for a while

that it will start sliding down the rot in style.


‘We went out some time ago to positively

impact the world and we decisively

did that and nearly succeeded but for logistics

which all along I’d been doing the diagnostics.

Like I’d said while returning home, inadequate

was our number and there is no debate

we need to boost our number with new blood

that’d help us to constantly race and not plod.

The new troops would undergo vigorous training

and after, we’d go chase evil without restraining.



‘Or should we mind our business and let evil

run amok?’ ‘No!’ The response is at a level

quite high. ‘Should we mind our business

and let the world get stuck in its messiness?’

‘No!’ The troops’ response is quite boisterous.

In the new move I feel already victorious.

‘With your massive response, the NEW-BREED ACADEMY

with everyone’s support should soon into reality

evolve and every command unit would create its course

and the needed texts to all I entrust.



‘The head of every unit tentatively

would be head of department educationally

and would appoint the lecturers and break

every course into sensible segments to make

it easy to be done with in six moons

and soon after, evil around us must just swoon.

The heads must also give direction

for what the needed texts, in conjunction

with me, would look like and then instruction

we’d make to those who’d join in the construction


‘of the texts for pupils in every department.

After meeting the heads and the agreement

on date of admission, the admission form

immediately would be issued and from

all backgrounds long as parents are willing

to release their wards, we’d be admitting

the pupils and with no bias to gender

as long as their bodies and minds are tender

and receptive to the vigorous training

they’d be given – more I’d discuss this evening



‘with all the unit commanders. Thank you.’

The troops disperse; to the tower to view

the surroundings again I return.

But I see the praying mantis run

and stop on the windowsill and wag

a finger at me: ‘You bloody scallywag,’

he fumes, ‘your mates are pimping around town

but every time you’re here yourself to drown.’

I laugh out loud at the praying mantis

and his folly. ‘Would you go and ask, please,



‘your brother the dreadful thing I did to him?

Dare mess around with me and your future is dim!’


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