DR FIXIT (4241 - 4250)



We left the boss’ yard as a group, me and my crew,

but I parted ways with all as closer home I drew.

I got in and pulling the contents out,

I saw the broad leaf with list of inventors I did draft,

put it aside to work on it later in accordance

with the timetable as I needed to enhance

cordial relationship with my spouse

and unlike others, avoid things that’d break our house.

Her niece was in but left seeing me.

To what she put for dining, filled was my tummy



as I had returned long and we had a feast

in the theatre boss’ place – the food we both teased

as she had a sumptuous meal with her niece

before my quick and unannounced arrival but it did please

her that our trek was successful

and in my long chat, I told her the needful

and how a team of five deserted the crew

then I snuggled down to kiss my beau.

Then just like that I slipped into dreamland

and the duke of plants was decked in robust garland.



And then I woke and drew my wife to my chest.

With a loaded gun can a warrior rest?

Such rest would tantamount to negligence

of duty – insolence would soon take prominence.

I fiddled with the lever enough till it landed

on the right station and the broadcaster prompted,

ended the news and sweet music was on;

it said the warrior can rest on his gun.

Here, you shoot not to kill but recreate;

it has to be legal so people can procreate.


Your father did it, your mother did it

so you too are legally allowed to do it.

You shoot seeds to plant, not bullets that kill;

don’t stupidly go around this seed to spill.

The birds do it and that’s why they’re still around

and daily we perceive their sweet charming sound.

Insects do it and beauty to life inject;

male and female, that brings apt total effect.

This gun isn’t meant for youngsters to shoot;

every youngster before ended up shooting their foot.



The plants wave this way and that, flowers bright

happy that bees and butterflies help them do it right.

The sun shines, the rain falls, we have day and night;

the seasons take turns to make it right.

Now, do we plant seeds in another’s farm?

That’s illegal and certainly would cause some harm.

Don’t just be proud of your seeds, go buy your plot

which needs security and care a lot.

To own a farm calls for responsibility

as shooting seeds carelessly is something society



seriously frowns upon as the plants need care;

and the labour nobody else wants in it to share.

Don’t start planting your seeds under any pressure

as the bondage could outweigh the pleasure;

do it right and the ecstasy is without measure

and your farm would remain a real treasure.

The clock on the wall measured the time with tick-tock.

I heard the dawn chorus of birds up to real work.

My wife gave me a kiss in bed and left for school.

I ate, bathed and picked up every writing tool.



I picked up the writing pad I’d set aside

for my new script and looked at what I did write


After a month of settling down and the turn

of events from the news is a downer,

I stride out and up the watchtower,

looking at the surroundings with contemplation

of what this time should be unfailing course of action –

what number of kids should we admit

and the courses they’d do and the limit?



We’d need to train the children’s bodies

and minds and put their courage over their bellies.

What we’d do this time would be foolproof;

human hamlets and towns from floor to roof,

which we would occupy, to their old ways

would not fall back; it’s all happy days

from first day of our occupation

and so would remain without exaggeration.

It would be after our success in one place

before we move to another; in every phase



it would be done so the number of new troops

would quadruple the old and with better rules

and good courses and advanced teaching techniques,

we’d inculcate in pupils apt propaganda tricks.

I tap my head and soliloquize:

Science and Tech, Tendit One would supervise;

Mass Communication would have Mendit Two –

in every given assignment, the duo

had been remarkable and with those

in their units, the needed texts they’d compose.



Judge Lionit would teach Jurisprudence.

The Red Berets chief would teach Military Intelligence.

I’d personally handle Character Building

and the Elite Corps chief, Military Training.

Pa Tortoise’s book is first I’d choose,

the others would write theirs with their troops.

I intend to fashion every course in line

with every existing unit and with time

may merge some but recommended texts and teachers

we’d tailor to suit our tenets as new-breeders.


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