DR FIXIT (4220 - 4229)



My euphoria was tinged with irritation.

The five chaps left a pain in my digestion.

I wished they had returned first to their folks

before venturing out to be top blokes.

Like broken spokes they hampered our smooth ride;

I wished I could see them and give them a real chide.

If they were with us, we would be jogging

all the way to Antburg and cheering.

Maybe I was the only one within worrying

as it looked the others were excitedly walking



behind me – they seemed happy to cling to

what they already had and that was good to know;

maybe who wasn’t happy would then go abroad

to grab the limelight or like some dreamers who got

out there and realized there were more to the stage

than their cunning, features, talent and age.

Vroom! From the jungle we hit the rails

and marched to the platform and sat on our tails

as there was a train waiting but going the other way

so we waited for any going our way.



One hour, two or more we would not tire

to wait as nothing again in the mire

would drag us through in the last part of our journey

as intact to Antburg I wished with the trophy

to return; we huddled really close –

our noses touching and also our toes.

Some of us quite carefree snored as they slept

and dreamt; and close to dawn, the train crept

and then came to a halt at our platform

and everyone of us hopped in with real fun.



Not long, as some exchange of papers was done,

click-clack the train again was rail-borne.

Excitement was in the air but we were mute

due to the act of every deserting dude.

I hoped they knew the risks of being a stowaway –

you could hit fame and fortune on Broadway

or be an asylum seeker in Italy

and some had met situations quite deadly.

Best thing is to cross the borders with a visa

telling them you’d like at the Leaning Tower of Pisa



to gawk or go stroll around the artificial lake

in Dubai – yes, you can your curiosity thirst slake

legally somewhere or even snatch some stardom

and it matters not if in Havana or London.

Was I angry the chaps wanted to be big too?

I didn’t in my time trigger off others being blue;

they should’ve spared me the ordeal of meeting

their folks and doing that terrible chatting.

That was the only thing I was concerned about;

yes, the exact point they left me in a rout.



The train was on a steady ride to reach

our terminating point and as the brakes did screech,

we got ready and as it stopped, we alighted;

walked a short distance and before the sun lighted

the whole jungle, crossed the massive bog

by the big shore near Sandit and did jog

across to the theatre boss’ place

where the crew gathered at his front terrace

and I announced to him in the knapsacks

of a large segment of the troops were stacks



of snippets that formed my movie script.

The boss screamed and our spirits did lift.

‘Hip, hip...’ ‘Hooray!’ we all a rousing ovation

gave and he went on with rising intonation:

‘Hip, hip...’ We all responded, ‘Hooray!’

He stated: ‘I’m so very happy today

that the entire movie script to us has been brought

and a great lesson we all have been taught.

It’s not only to go around talking big

but show the people that deep too you can dig.



‘I hope every chap here would also from you

learn and hone their skills and let the world to view.’

There was rapturous applause there but quickly

I jumped in and said: ‘Five of them sadly

with the human movie crew had absconded.’

Instead of surprise, the theatre boss grunted,

said with a smile: ‘You never miss in a team

a set of smartasses.’ Then he did scream

remembering suddenly a vital issue:

‘I hope none vamoosed with the scripting tissue?’



‘No. The script is intact. My only worry

is how to give the news to every family

of every runaway chap.’ ‘Well,’ the boss did scratch

his head and said, ‘that up I’d certainly patch.

Point is, those chaps deserted, not killed.

The rest are here and everyone can see the script.

If their families’ reaction is unwelcoming,

I can raise up a squad the five to rein in.’

With that, the theatre boss called my aide

to guide the troops to put things in the shade



where we’d properly arrange in a notebook

the script and into the cellar others did look

to bring out food and drinks we would feed on;

as I wrote, a party was going on.

From the first chap with ‘DR’ in his knapsack,

I took the piece and copied the word on the pad.

That soldier ant left to go munch and drink;

from the second I took ‘FIXIT’ and he too did slink

to join the rest and eat what appealed to him;

then I took the next; the boss mingled with a beam.


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