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DR FIXIT (4271 - 4280)

  4271 so again here – drop the defensive posture; being proactive in every unit should be the feature. In minutes, the troops swarm The Academy grounds and hang at strategic points at fixed rounds. Indeed, the honeymoon is over and routine tasks have resumed and every fang, not just for food but as axe, is to be used to trim to size any fool who dares defectively any unit to retool. With an extra hose, the firefighters soon snuff out the fire; we look for any loon   4272 who we in any way could link to the mishap. Then I’m thinking – did any frog thinking he’s a big chap tried smoking some dried weed and with his brain messed up, flung the tinder into his supposed drain? I do rule out humans. The entire Yellow Lake hasn’t yet witnessed the print of any leg resembling human and with that thought, I scan the ground more from The Academy plot to the waters of Yellow Lake. That’s one flaw with suspicion – who’d best keep safe your fish quite r

DR FIXIT (4261 - 4270)

  4261 ‘All right,’ the praying mantis said, nodding for long, ‘your haughtiness this fight would just prolong. You think the superficial wisdom from tortoise is all you need in life? Well and fine,’ he did hiss. ‘You’ve raised the tempo of your macabre song. We’d dance but we’d soon see who would run.’ ‘Jah!’ I say and move forward but he flies off. I say: ‘Why don’t you wait and let’s see who’s tough?’ 4262 SCENE TWO: I’m lazing on the beach, having picnic. I look sideways with my coloured glasses and pick the svelte figure of my wife strut towards me; then she leaps suddenly and flies towards me. The flying embrace I expect becomes a choking grasp of scrawny fingers around my neck; I gasp. The eyes staring at my bulging eyes are those of Mendit One; with rage my hands form fists and blows I freely rain on the idiot; no one asks the spook to vanish or a second time he’d die, it does look.   4263 I jump up on my bed and see no one ar

DR FIXIT (4251- 4261)

  4251 I’m excited with the flow of my thoughts. At the distance I see squirrels snip some nuts. I whistle down to a sentry who rushes up. I tell him to pass on the message that all turn up at the assembly ground in a moment. In my mind’s eye, I see everyone make a movement there and I get down and strut to the podium to deliver a speech without any tedium. ‘The honeymoon is over, guys, and the one thing that took us out and brought us here does ring   4252 ‘aloud the bells – society keeps sliding down the mire; places are burning as if the globe is set on fire. Humans everywhere turn things upside down; our cause is real, we’d pursue it without a frown. We all know what was our core shortcoming. This time around, we’d need to have a long bonding and must vastly increase our numbers; the number before left our effort in tatters. Also, we took up tenet that seemed to bind our hands behind our backs and so this time, 4253 ‘not that we’