This Is The First Chapter Of A Brand New Thing

This is the first chapter of a brand new thing:
Early morning breeze, leaves all are wriggling;
Dewdrop tingling at the touch of a warm sun’s ray;
Birds’ symphonies to herald in a brand new day.

This is the first chapter of a brand new thing:
First rain falling, the dust of the harsh months quenching;
Trees bud at the sight of the new lease of life;
Soon they hum – this is end to hunger and strife.

This is the first chapter of a brand new thing:
Stress, sweat and blood accompany childbearing –
The child is born, the mother cradles it in her arm;
How she longs to protect it from seen and unseen harm!

This is the first chapter of a brand new thing:
The palm-wine tree matures, the tapper goes tapping;
The bee drinks, forgets to leave and falls inside the pot –
I swear in this cauldron I’d keep you intensely hot!

This is my first chapter of a brand new thing:
Like the wine to the bee I’d entice and trap you in;
I’d make you reel, dance and then happily sing
As deep in your marrow ecstasy I’d bring.


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