
Showing posts from September, 2024


CHAPTER 12   EVENING ARRIVED AND THE ROOSTERS all over crowed to say goodbye to a day already spent and welcome the unpredictability sneaking in with the gloom. As Mr Ransom quietly untied the ends of the ropes and the goats rushed into the stalls with the dogs hanging around and monitoring them, Grace resolved with what she would implant into her kids’ minds that night, the tale of goats by tomorrow would take a resplendent twist. When their door was locked and they huddled together, Grace knew there was no room for any excuse anymore. She had to reveal the true make-up of a free life to her kids. She listened to the familiar sounds. In the other stalls, the goats and fowls thumped the planks and rustled their feathers seeking comfortable positions that would afford them excellent night rest. The Ransoms were banging doors, chopping wood, sweeping the floors and letting water gurgle into containers; Mr Ransom was calling out to someone  t his way and Mrs Ransom the other way


CHAPTER 11   MR RANSOM BOUGHT HIS FIRST GUN when he invested heavily in farms and the wild animals almost made him run his business at a loss. He had cleared and planted with his family and hired hands hectares of land he rented from the village. He planted cassava, melon, corn and leafy vegetables. They were fast-selling items as people from all the nearby big towns came to the village to get them. But the corn seedlings were being mowed down as if with a sharp machete, the newly sprouting cassava stems were being dug up and those still standing were at the mercy of zillions of caterpillars. Mr Ransom complained to experienced farmers and they told him what was happening and what he needed to do. Some had even suspected envious farmers were turning to the animals and destroying rivals’ crops so they alone could continue in the lucrative food business. Mr Ransom, who got substantial financial backing from his wife, was desperate to do anything to deter the destroyers whethe

A Long Love Song (025 - 038)

  025 The road ahead is far where I’d join a boat, Hop on a cab, a train and if need be, a plane So the essence of love in places remote And near we would assess, learn and explain;   See if we could separate real from fake And that our thirst eventually we would slake Like with a drink on a journey you make – A break right now nearby I must take.   There’s a log where people rest at a crossroads And a set of three posts people keep their loads.   026 I draw close to the log and sit down But I hear creaks of metals approach me; They’re familiar sound and right up in my crown I needn’t task my brain to tell who that could be.   The tapper emerges into view and I greet him; He’s glad to see me and so gives me a beam. He stops at my front and asks where I’d been; Then asks if it wasn’t me earlier he’d seen.   ‘Well, we met earlier but the light was dim.’ Then my intent straightaway I give to him:   027 ‘I’m going on a long tour, sir, to find out What is love for many profess it But their

A Long Love Song (011 - 024)

  011 And some say, to tell the world the time But my instincts tell me, to proclaim His undying love to hen that though in grime He’s made to march her affections to claim   That empty would be life without the chase For the chicks bring happiness to his face. But is it for progeny that lovers embrace So to leave something to them that’s a trace?   I’ve seen animals and humans go to war Over love – can we say to it there’s more?   012 I’d seen two cocks bend to scratch their eyes out; I’d seen two lizards flog mercilessly Themselves with their tails and without a doubt To see who over a harem had supremacy.   So I’d be wrong to say hawks show love To hawks but utterly hate every dove For two male hawks may suddenly act rough To ward off the other taking its trough.   You ward off others to have a chance To love your mate – why the unholy dance?   013 Two lizards by the track with bulging necks Say you can’t help but keep your