Body Parts

‘What insensitive siblings!’ mouth did say;

Letting its long-drawn-out seething overflow.

‘I, all the time give; out of it now I’d stay.

If you can’t give, don’t take – that you must know.’


‘You’d pick the food and eat,’ hand said in reply;

‘From now on I’m not a part of feeding you!’

‘And you’d walk to market the food to buy,’

Foot added, ‘and feel too the pinch of the shoe.’


Eye, ear and nose joined in the rebellion

And they turned to mock navel and hair.

‘I linked you all to mother at creation,’

Navel said, ‘so what nonsense now do you blare?’


‘Go ahead you all,’ hair intoned, ‘yes, be bold.

Leave me and see if you’d survive the cold!’

‘In being one, no part is irrelevant,’

Nail at last quipped, ‘though the size is like an ant.’

(Verse is taken from my collection, #Colours_of_Life_Love_and_Faith)


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