Flight Of Fancy

‘Come with me,’ the wind whistled, ‘and I’d show you the world.’

I, the light feather of imagination, rapturously float on the wind and was blown off on a hair-raising adventure.

Over vast expanses of seething water and limitless stretches of greenery with wild beasts thumping around, I was swung up to the apex of the world with my head sticking up in the clouds.

I could see far out there in the blue the nest of the storms stuffed with sabres of lightning and rams of thunder.

I could see further the glowing furnace of the sun; and in the dark region beyond it I know lies the sanctum of the origins of life.

I didn’t need to stay too long on this mountain-top. My instincts told me beyond this point is the realm of madness!

‘The mind is a funny place to dwell in,’ the wind whispered, reading the thoughts heckling me now. I said nothing in response but was only preparing for my descent to earth. Then the wind tossed me back until I landed. I gave a big sigh of relief.

The wind cackled. ‘Isn’t life a flight of fancy?’ he finally asked.

‘And how do you mean?’ I said suspiciously.

‘Well,’ the wind replied, ‘take every human being back before life began. There, ask him or her if he or she believes life (as it is lived now) will be possible.’

‘Of course, the ready answer would be “plain impossible”!’ I spoke on behalf of humans, having hobnobbed with them for long and confidently assuming I could read their minds.

‘But here they all are living it!’ the wind intoned.

‘True,’ I muttered.

‘To an average mind the reaching out for what is considered “plain impossible” is a flight of fancy! But the qualitative life humans are experiencing today emanates from it – take the Internet for an example, one man’s flight of fancy that has turned out a booming reality for all. Simply put, the inspired mind is the undaunted mind!’ the wind whistled conclusively and streaked off.

I stood and reasoned over everything the wind had said and then it dawned on me that I, imagination, have conquered the world by the sheer strength of this: my flight of fancy!

The End.


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