
Showing posts from 2021


The sky beams, birds sing, Butterflies and grass dance in The heavenly grace. The dark clouds are gone. The trees now undressed can bathe In warmth of the sun. Bees flit between buds, Kissing the tender lips of Petals for nectar. Fragrance and aromas Waft through the harmattan haze. It’s the season’s meet: Where herons inspect The hide of grazing cattle In the fields for fleas; Kids with bright eyes check Every pack dad and mum bring back For shiny new stuff. Grace meets greed; love lust: Like the dry season’s brightness, God’s love shines on us. (The verse is taken from my collection, 'Colours {of Life, Love and Faith}'.)

Peek-a-poem-in-a-photo Montage


Dr Fixit (001 - 020)

001 I would have loved to do this writing at a precisely perfect time; to tell you about life from letter A to Z or number zero to nine: the random musings of a highly educated and widely travelled being; the one who had seen it all and can tell you many a marvellous thing.   002 No perfect time as there is nothing in life that is quite perfect. I know it because I had been with the pope and also the prefect; I had been with the king, his queen and known their subjects; I had travelled through space with all contraptions and eye-popping objects.   003 I won't be the fool who rigidly refuses to progressively forge ahead but dwells on his imperfections and lives life virtually dead. I had gone round and tested everything that is called perfection: it is nothing more than assumption and pretension.   004 So this is the time that is apt enough for this good old me to tell you the story of my life's every journey. It may be short, it may be medium, or a tale very long but I hope lik



A Poisoned Brook (Environmental Abuse)


Thorns and Flowers

In all aspects of life, you’d find thorns and flowers: Sleazy shacks beside glittering city towers; Massive talents emerging from slimy slum gutters; Gilded jails for some starry-eyed gold-diggers.   Thorns and flowers among lovely sons and daughters; Thorns and flowers among great mothers and fathers; Thorns and flowers in the clock chiming the hours; Thorns and flowers as birds flap their wings and clean their feathers.   The hawk eyes the sparrow in sunshine and showers. In the red-light zone, you’d find these among the hustlers. Thorns and flowers among mediocrities and superpowers. Thorns and flowers from nursery to ivory towers.   Presidents, senators, governors and ministers. Thorns and flowers far and near, novices and masters. Thorns and flowers among shrine, mosque and church worshippers. Thorns and flowers in a breeze that turns a gale and hollers   At buildings, then everything on its path down it hammers. Thorns and flowers in a wa

Thorns and Flowers (Rehearsal)
